
   Dutch English
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commun. present,to
commun. IT cross-connect; cross-patch; interconnect
comp., MS connect
el. bonding; tying
stat. el. connect
environ. alliance; protocooperation
van Protestants | Christelijke
gen. Christian
Werkgevers | in Nederland
 in Nederland
ed. grading
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
verbond n
relig. covenant (Yerkwantai)
verbinden v
commun. present,to
commun., IT to cross-connect; to cross-patch; to interconnect; to interface
comp., MS connect (To join or link); bind (To connect a control to a field or group in the data source so that data entered into the control is saved to the corresponding field or group. When a control is unbound, it is not connected to a field or group, and data entered into the control is not saved)
el. bonding; tying; to mate
IT linking
mech.eng. fitting; jointing
stat., el. to connect
transp. positive mechanical engagement
verbond v
environ. alliance; protocooperation; convention
Verbinden v
comp., MS Connect (The name of a menu from which the user can sign in, sign out, change sign-in information, and view and modify status settings)
Verbond van Protestants-Christelijke
: 1 phrase in 1 subject