
   Dutch English
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econ. cooperation agreement; cooperation agreement
law pooling of interests; joint venture; affiliation contract; Cooperation Agreement
betreffende | een
commun. N
civiel | globaal
comp., MS global
| satellietnavigatiesysteem
commun. astronaut. transp. navigation satellite system
GALILEO | tussen
IT run in
- only individual words found

noun | adjective | to phrases
samenwerkingsovereenkomst f
econ. cooperation agreement EU (EU)
law joint venture; affiliation contract; Cooperation Agreement
pharma. partnership agreement
samenwerkingsovereenkomst adj.
econ. cooperation agreement
law pooling of interests
Samenwerkingsovereenkomst betreffende een civiel globaal satellietnavigatiesysteem – GALILEO tussen
: 1 phrase in 1 subject