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Memorandum van overeenstemming
 Memorandum van Overeenstemming
transp. Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control; Paris Memorandum; Paris Memorandum of Understanding
 memorandum van overeenstemming
law memorandum of agreement; memorandum of understanding; protocol of understanding
| tussen
life.sc. interbedded; intercalated
| de
mater.sc. construct. dismantle
| Europese Gemeenschap
 Europese Gemeenschappen
econ. European Communities
| en
agric. el. inoculation
| de
mater.sc. construct. dismantle
| Arabische Republiek Egypte
 Arabische Republiek Egypte
geogr. Arab Republic of Egypt
| inzake
patents. on account of
| de
mater.sc. construct. dismantle
| handel
environ. trade
| in
gen. within
- only individual words found

to phrases
memorandum van overeenstemming
law memorandum of agreement; memorandum of understanding; protocol of understanding
law, fin. Understanding
Memorandum van Overeenstemming
transp. Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control; Paris Memorandum; Paris Memorandum of Understanding; Paris Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control
Memorandum van overeenstemming tussen de Europese Gemeenschap en de Arabische Republiek Egypte inzake de handel in: 1 phrase in 1 subject
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