
   Dutch English
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gen. officers
engl. Bureau
patents. Office
polit. engl. Bureau
gen. board; Bureau
law engl. bureau
polit. office
gen. desks
| voor
work.fl. IT data preparation
Maritieme Aangelegenheden | en
agric. el. inoculation
| Zeerecht
econ. law of the sea
- only individual words found

to phrases
Bureau n
gen. officers
patents. Office
polit., engl. Bureau
bureau n
gen. executive board
law, engl. bureau
polit. office
bureaus meubelen n
gen. desks furniture
bureaus n
patents. desks
bureau Paritaire Vergadering n
gen. Bureau Joint Assembly
Bureau verkiezingen n
engl. Bureau elections
Bureau voor Maritieme: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
Mineral products1