
   Dutch English
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gen. Division; branch
gen. chapter; sub-area
arts. section
coal. district
comp., MS work center
ed. department
life.sc. series
transp. compartment
| voor
work.fl. IT data preparation
sociale aangelegenheden gezinsvraagstukken | onderwijs
ed. educational services
| en
agric. el. inoculation
| cultuur
comp., MS culture
- only individual words found

to phrases
afdeling f
gen. chapter (A section of an organisation); sub-area
arts. section
coal. district
comp., MS work center (A self-contained unit of the manufacturing process, or an entire plant)
ed. department
transp. compartment
Afdeling f
gen. Division; branch
afdeling geologische f
life.sc. series geological
afdelingen f
fin. Sections, Chapters and Sub-chapters
Afdeling voor sociale
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
Social science1
United Nations1