
   Italian English
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comp., MS presenter
gen. rapporteur; rapporteur; speaker
agric. lecturer
astr. referee
| speciale
gen. special
| sull
agric. French honeysuckle; Spanish esparcet; sulla clover
| uso
chem. use
dei mercenari | come
gen. as
| mezzo
book.bind. medium
| per
gen. for
| impedire
IT el. inhibit
| l
tech. Length
| esercizio
fin. accounting period
| del
gen. some
| diritto
environ. rights
dei | popoli
gen. people
- only individual words found

noun | adjective | to phrases
relatore m
gen. speaker
agric. lecturer
work.fl., IT relator
Relatore m
comp., MS presenter (A meeting participant who can do all sharing activities, including presenting, showing, sharing, and whiteboard, and admit participants from the lobby)
relatore adj.
gen. rapporteur
astr. referee
Relatore speciale sull'uso dei mercenari come mezzo per impedire l 'esercizio del diritto dei popoli: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Human rights activism1