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loud and clearstresses
gen. во весь голос перен.; чётко и ясно (Gilbert); на весь ([сказать/заявить что-либо] на весь автобус, на весь класс, на всю страну и т.п.: Just the other day when I picked him up at preschool, he announced loud and clear: "Mommy, we're going to go home and see Bette Davis now." • In January 1942, the newspaper announced loud and clear its rejection of the leader of the French State. 4uzhoj)
inf. ясно (phrases "five-by-five" and ""loud and clear" have come to mean "I understand you perfectly" in situations other than radio communication 4uzhoj)
mil. отлично (Как слышите меня? – Слышу вас отлично! 4uzhoj); см. тж. five-by-five (4uzhoj)
mil., avia. громко и разборчиво
radio чисто (Do you read me? (Как принимаете?) – Reading you loud and clear. (Принимаю чисто.) 4uzhoj)
rhetor. чётко и в полный голос (Alex_Odeychuk)
 English thesaurus
loud and clear
mil. five-by-five (4uzhoj)
loud and clear
: 16 phrases in 6 subjects