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gen. encircle; furnish place; furnish
fig. restrict; arrange; hamper; organize
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gen. in style

verb | verb | to phrases
обставлять vstresses
gen. ace; surround (with); furnish (a home, room, etc.: They have furnished the room very simply. cambridge.org); fit out; arrange; plenish; outfit (квартиру Сузи); fit up; encircle (with); impede; scoop; settle; suck in; place round
Gruzovik encircle with (impf of обставить); place round
Игорь Миг outplay
book. circumpose
construct. furnish
fig. restrict; hamper; organize
Gruzovik, fig. hamper (impf of обставить); impede (impf of обставить); restrict (impf of обставить); organize (impf of обставить)
Gruzovik, inf. beat (impf of обставить); win (impf of обставить); cheat (impf of обставить); trick (impf of обставить); take to the cleaners (impf of обставить); get ahead of (impf of обставить)
inf. cheat; get ahead (of); take to the cleaners; win; capot; beat; trick
Makarov. fit up with
scottish plenish (дом)
slang put up (I put the guy up in my home. == Я поселил парня у себя в доме, сдав ему комнату.)
обставляться v
gen. encircle (with); furnish place; furnish (with); impede; surround (with); surround oneself (with); place round
Gruzovik furnish one's place (impf of обставиться); surround oneself with (impf of обставиться)
fig. restrict; arrange; hamper; organize
inf. cheat; get ahead (of); take to the cleaners; win; beat; trick
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: 40 phrases in 8 subjects
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