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gen. idiom; phraseology; phrase; terms; clap; clapper
math. setting
| лишённому
gen. rob
| авторитета
gen. authority
| среди
gen. amidst
| его
gen. his
| носителей
gen. bearer
| был необходим
 быть необходимым
gen. need
| этот
gen. this
| глоток свежего воздуха
 глоток свежего воздуха
Makarov. a jolt of fresh air
| этот
gen. this
- only individual words found

to phrases
язык nstresses
gen. idiom; phraseology; phrase (манера говорить); terms; clap (колокола и шутл.- человека); clapper (колокола и шутл.- человека); loll (свисающий); sillabub; striker (колокола); identification prisoner; sheet (пламени); parlance; accent; language (Language is part of the heritage you carry within yourself. Abandoning a language means abandoning part of who you are.); tongue (что-либо, имеющее форму языка, напоминающее язык (язык – пламени, колокола язычок – духового инструмента, обуви)); speech; bat (колокола); bolt (замка); tongue (язык во рту, часть тела: tongue in mouth MurzNN); dialect; idiotism; utterance; voice; сlapper (у колокола Jan1970)
agric. pocket
anat. glosso
austral. jabber (CHichhan)
comp., MS language (An artificial language that specifies instructions to be executed on a computer. The term covers a wide spectrum, from binary-coded machine language to high-level languages)
derog. clack
dipl. term
el. tongue; streamer
fig. clacker
Gruzovik, mil., lingo prisoner to be interrogated
Gruzovik, obs. people (мн.: язы́ки и языки́); nation (мн.: язы́ки и языки́); translator; guide; information
humor. unruly member
inf. the bat
IT locale; stream-based language
ling. langue; langue (в противоп. речи)
Makarov. dialect (как член семьи или группы языков); point (мыс)
math. setting
med. glossa; lingua (pl. linguae; см. tongue)
meteorol. wedge
mil. plume (пламени)
mil., avia. language
mil., inf. prisoner (to be interrogated)
nautic. tongue (колокола)
navig. tongue (напр. льда)
O&G. tech. finger (воды; обводнения; источник: словарь Извекова); finger (воды; обводнения; источник: словарь Извекова)
obs. people
obs., dial. leden
ocean. tongue (льда)
patents. writing
poetic accents
prof.jarg. jargon (напр., цеховой)
rel., christ. clapper (колокола)
slang red rag; ragtime; lingo (If you don't like the lingo, don't listen. Если тебе не нравится язык, не слушай. Interex); rag; talk; licker (Your mind is quick, but so is your tongue. It's not the first time your licker has gotten you into trouble, so you might want to consider piercing it. VLZ_58)
tech. frame representation language; jawstock (рабочий элемент щековой дробилки Jen anto)
water.res. tongue (ледника)
язык XML n
comp., MS extensible markup language; Extensible Markup Language (A markup language for describing and exchanging structured data in a format that is independent of operating systems and applications. XML is a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) specification and is a subset of Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML))
язык DLMS n
energ.ind. протокол DLMS (MichaelBurov); протокол DLMS для коммуникации с приборами учета электроэнергии (MichaelBurov); Device Language Message Specification (MichaelBurov); DLMS (MichaelBurov); DLMS protocol (MichaelBurov); DLMS language (MichaelBurov)
язык XML n
IT eXtensible markup language (unact.ru Bricker)
progr. XML (ssn); eXtended Markup Language (ssn)
tech. XML extensible markup language
язык VRML n
comp. VRML; virtual reality modeling language
язык WML n
comp., MS WML (An XML-based markup language used to specify content and the user interface for narrowband devices, including cellular phones and pagers. WML is part of WAP)
язык PCL n
comp., MS PCL
язык WML n
comp., MS Wireless Markup Language (An XML-based markup language used to specify content and the user interface for narrowband devices, including cellular phones and pagers. WML is part of WAP)
язык PCL n
Gruzovik, progr. PCL Hewlett-Packard (printer control language)
IT Printer Control Language; printer control language (unact.ru Bricker)
язык VRML n
IT virtual reality modeling language (unact.ru Bricker)
язык WML n
IT wireless markup language (unact.ru Bricker)
progr. WML (сокр. от Wireless Markup Language ssn)
язык LD n
progr. ladder diagram (ssn); LD language (ssn)
язык ISWIM n
progr. ISWIM language (MichaelBurov)
язык LD n
progr. ladder diagram language (ssn)
язык ISWIM n
progr. ISWIM (MichaelBurov); if You See What I Mean language (MichaelBurov); If-You-See-What-I-Mean language (MichaelBurov)
язык SGML n
comp. SGML
язык Java n
comp. Java (programming language)
язык BAML n
comp., MS BAML
язык SQL n
comp., MS Structured Query Language (a database query and programming language widely used for accessing, querying, updating, and managing data in relational database systems)
язык MSL n
comp., MS MSL (An XML-based language that is used to map items defined in a conceptual model to items in a storage model)
язык BAML n
comp., MS Binary Application Markup Language (A binary representation of the objects and properties declared in an Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) file)
язык DDL n
comp., MS data definition language (A language that defines all attributes and properties of a database, especially record layouts, field definitions, key fields, file locations, and storage strategy); DDL (A language that defines all attributes and properties of a database, especially record layouts, field definitions, key fields, file locations, and storage strategy)
язык DHTML n
comp., MS DHTML (An extension of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) that adds multimedia, database access, and an object model that programs can use to change styles and attributes of page elements (objects) and to replace existing elements (objects) with new ones)
язык DML n
comp., MS DML (The subset of SQL statements that is used to retrieve and manipulate data. DML statements typically start with SELECT INSERT UPDATE or DELETE)
язык MSL n
comp., MS mapping specification language (An XML-based language that is used to map items defined in a conceptual model to items in a storage model)
язык Perl n
comp., MS Practical Extraction and Report Language (An interpreted language, based on C and several UNIX utilities. Perl has powerful string-handling features for extracting information from text files. Perl can assemble a string and send it to the shell as a command; therefore, it is often used for system administration tasks. A program in Perl is known as a script. Perl was devised by Larry Wall at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
язык UML n
comp., MS Unified Modeling Language (A language developed by Grady Booch, Ivar Jacobson, and Jim Rumbaugh of Rational Software that can be used for specifying, building, and documenting software and non-software systems, such as business models; Unified Modeling Language)
язык WSDL n
comp., MS WSDL (" An XML format for describing Web services. WSDL allows Web service providers and users of such services to work together easily by enabling the separation of the description of the abstract functionality offered by a service from concrete details of a service description such as "how" and "where" that functionality is offered.")
язык SGML n
comp., net. Standard Generalized Markup Language
язык DML n
el. data manipulation language
язык DHTML n
el. dynamic hypertext markup language
язык XHTML n
el. extensible HTML
язык QBF n
el. QBF; query by form; query-by-form
язык SQL n
el. structured query language
язык SGML n
Gruzovik, IT SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language)
язык RPG n
Gruzovik, progr. RPG (report program generator)
язык TCL n
Gruzovik, progr. TCL (Tool Command Language)
язык DBCL n
Gruzovik, progr. database control language (abbr. DBCL); DBCL (database control language)
язык VHDL n
IT VHSIC hardware description language
язык HTML n
IT HyperText markup language (Bricker)
язык TCL n
IT tool command language (Bricker)
язык DHTML n
IT dynamic HTML (unact.ru Bricker)
язык XHTML n
IT eXtensible HyperText markup language (unact.ru Bricker)
язык WSDL n
IT web services description language (Bricker)
язык UML n
IT unified modeling language (unact.ru Bricker)
язык TCL n
media. tool command language (разработанный в корпорации Sun свободно распространяемый язык сценариев, предоставляющий возможность интеграции различных приложений, объектов и устройств)
язык VoiceXML n
progr. VoiceXML (ssn)
язык SQL n
progr. SQL (Structured Query Language)
язык AADL n
progr. axiomatic architecture description language (ssn)
язык UML n
progr. UML language (ssn)
язык VHDL n
progr. very-high-speed integrated circuit hardware description language (ssn); very high-speed integrated circuit hardware description language (ssn)
язык SPML n
progr. server-parsed hypertext markup HTML (ssn); SPML (ssn); server-parsed hypertext markup language (ssn)
язык DML n
progr. declarative markup language (ssn)
язык AADL n
progr. AADL (см. axiomatic architecture description language ssn)
язык QBE n
progr. query-by-example (ssn); query by example (ssn); QBE (ssn)
язык SHTML n
progr. server-parsed hypertext markup HTML (ssn); SPML (ssn); server-parsed hypertext markup language (ssn)
язык SPECIAL n
progr. specification and assertion language (ssn)
язык VoiceXML n
progr. voice extensible markup language (ssn)
язык SPECIAL n
progr. SPECIAL (ssn)
язык HTML n
SAP.tech. HTML
язык Java n
SAP.tech. java
язык RPG n
tech. report program generator
язык Perl n
telecom. PERL language
язык ABCD n
gen. ABCD
язык DGL n
gen. DGL
свисающий язык n
arch. loll
язык AL n
automat. Arm Language (для программирования роботов)
язык CL n
automat. cutter location language
язык Postscript n
comp. PostScript (language)
язык SMIL n
comp., MS SMIL; Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language
язык Fetch n
comp., MS Fetch (A proprietary XML-based query language that is used in Microsoft Dynamics CRM to retrieve information)
язык FetchXML n
comp., MS FetchXML (A proprietary XML-based query language that is used in Microsoft Dynamics CRM to retrieve information)
язык CIL n
comp., MS Common Intermediate Language (A language used as the output of a number of compilers and as the input to a just-in-time (JIT) compiler. The common language runtime includes a JIT compiler for converting the language to native code)
язык XSL n
comp., MS Extensible Stylesheet Language (An XML vocabulary that is used to transform XML data to another form, such as HTML, by means of a style sheet that defines presentation rules)
язык PJL n
comp., MS PJL (The printer command language developed by Hewlett Packard that provides printer control at the print-job level. Using PJL commands, you can change default printer settings such as number of copies to print. PJL commands also permit switching printer languages between print jobs without action by the user. If bi-directional communication is supported, a PJL-compatible printer can send information such as printer model and job status to the print server)
язык XPath n
comp., MS XML Path Language (A language used to address parts of an XML document. XPath also provides basic facilities for manipulation of strings, numbers, and Boolean values)
язык ALF n
el. algebraic logic functional language
язык CAML n
el. categorical abstract machine language
язык CHDL n
el. computer hardware description language
язык DPS n
el. display PostScript
язык DSL n
el. dynamic simulation language
язык HDL n
el. hardware description language
язык HTML+ n
el. hypertext markup language plus
язык JCL n
el. JCL
язык общения агентов KQML n
el. knowledge query and manipulation language
язык PILOT n
el. programming inquiry learning or teaching (для программированного обучения)
язык PLANIT n
el. programming language for interactive training (для программированного обучения)
язык PSL/PSA n
el. problem statement language/problem statement analyzer
язык WAM n
el. Warren abstract Machine (ssn)
ледниковый язык n
geophys. lobe
язык APL n
Gruzovik, progr. APL (A Programming Language); A Programming Language (abbr. APL)
язык HPGL n
IT Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language
язык ADL n
IT automatic description language
язык AWK n
IT Aho, Weinberger, Kernighan (Bricker)
язык JCL n
IT job control language (Bricker)
язык AWK n
IT AWK (используется в среде UNIX. Название языка образовано из первых букв фамилий его создателей Метран)
язык GPSS n
IT general purpose system simulator (unact.ru Bricker)
язык MDX n
IT MultiDimensional eXpressions (unact.ru Bricker)
язык MUMPS n
IT massachusetts general hospital utility multi programming system (unact.ru Bricker)
язык REXX n
IT REstructured eXtended eXecutor (unact.ru Bricker)
язык HPGL n
IT Hewlett-Packard graphic language (Bricker)
языку, лишённому авторитета среди его носителей , был необходим этот "глоток свежего воздуха", этот: 1 phrase in 1 subject