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gen. jeer; taunt; twit; a vitriolic remark; cutting remark; scalding comment; snide remark (Serahanne); caustic remark (Franka_LV); snapper; unpleasantry; rub; come-back; sharp remark (Lana Falcon); comeback; slighting remark (Jacqueline [...] was sensitive to slighting remarks about women in business ... Fesenko); poisonous remark (Andrey Truhachev)
amer. crack (wisecrack: that crack about drinking too much Val_Ships)
inf. double brush; dig; wisecrack (Someone in the theater was making wisecracks during the entire movie. Val_Ships); caustic comment (Val_Ships)
Makarov. a pinch of pungent wit; incisive remark; pinch of pungent wit; vicious remark
polit. stinging rebuke (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
slang kicker; mickey-take (suburbian)
язвительные замечания
gen. caustic remarks; biting words; waspish comments; catty remarks
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: 16 phrases in 4 subjects