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gen. provide authority (Finance Administration Act provides authority for government to pass Budget within four months of financial year. | Section 704 of the FD&C Act [21 U.S.C. 374] provides authority for FDA to conduct inspections of factories, warehouses, establishments, and ... | For example, 505(k) provides authority to access and copy records required for new drug applications and abbreviated new drug applications, ... | Subsection (b)(3)(A) provides authority to a Federal or State regulatory agency to interpret section 101(d) in a manner to specify specific performance standards ... | The Space Act provides authority to enter into Space Act Agreements, and the NPD provides guidance for entering into those agreements. Alexander Demidov); constitute grounds (The equivalent of any of the occurrences referred to in this section (iv), though known or designated by some other name or term in the Publishers' place of residence, shall likewise constitute grounds for termination of this Agreement under this Clause. 4uzhoj)
busin. entitle (mine Bema)
law be cause for (The department's determination of serious misconduct under this subsection shall be cause for terminating the facility's participation in the state-funded portion of ... a determination that the bidder is in violation of this policy shall be cause for terminating the contract. Alexander Demidov); give cause (является основанием для отказа Арендодателя от исполнения договора аренды = shall give Lessor cause to repudiate/terminate the lease. Any violation of these rules shall give Landlord cause to terminate the Lease. | Some violations by tenants give the landlord cause to evict them. | This action would give the landlord cause to give an eviction notice when the rent is not paid in full and on time. | Absent some specific provision in the lease agreement, being a college student would not give the landlord cause to terminate the lease and ... | the Tenant did not comply and has continued to give the Landlord cause to end the tenancy since issuing the Notice. Alexander Demidov)
roll. give rise to (mtovbin)
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: 20 phrases in 7 subjects