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gen. twist round; wheedle (Anglophile); weasel out; bustle (в значении "суетиться" VLZ_58); wriggle (в значении "хитрить" VLZ_58); temporise (to be indecisive or evasive to gain time or delay acting КГА); fuss (about (в значении "суетиться") VLZ_58); beat about the bush (VLZ_58); fuss about (VLZ_58); hedge (разг. Stregoy); play up to (перед кем-либо; в значении "заискивать" VLZ_58); keep moving about; fidget; scurry about (of an insect); flit (of one that flies)
Игорь Миг squirm
amer. weasel
fig. play up to (with перед); ingratiate oneself (with); equivocate
fig.of.sp. bob (mazurov)
Gruzovik, inf. bustle about; fuss about; of insects flit about
idiom. pussyfoot (Sergei Aprelikov)
inf. flit (about); fuss (about); play up (to); spin (прим. You'd better stop spinning and speak up! Agasphere)
nautic. scull (веслом)
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Gruzovik, inf. move in all directions
: 7 phrases in 3 subjects