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экспортные кредиты
 экспортные кредиты
dipl. export credits
EBRD export credit facility
 экспортный кредит
bank. export loan; export credit
EBRD export credit facility; export promotion facility
econ. export credit loan
| с
gen. offering
| государственной поддержкой
 государственная поддержка
gen. State support

to phrases
экспортный кредитstresses
bank. export loan; export credit (The system of selling exports on credit rather than for cash payment. Exports of commodities and consumer goods are frequently financed by trade bills, or short-term credit. These are normally payable in 3 or 6 months, giving the buyer time to ship goods and distribute them for resale, thus providing the money to pay the bills. If the seller needs immediate cash, bills can be discounted, that is sold to discount houses. Producer goods normally need longer-term credit. This may be given by the sellers, or by intermediary financial institutions. The length of credit available is an important factor affecting the marketability of capital goods exports. Many countries promote their exports by providing either subsidized export credit, or guarantees on more favourable terms than can be obtained commercially. Export credits are governed by international agreement between the OECD countries. Oxford Economics. A loan or loan guarantee designed to stimulate a country's exports. Typically this involves a direct loan to a foreign buyer of domestic goods and services, or a guarantee for a private loan to a domestic exporter. The loan essentially guarantees that the domestic exporter will be paid. The American Heritage® Dictionary of Business Terms Copyright © 2010 Alexander Demidov)
EBRD export credit facility; export promotion facility
econ. export credit loan
IMF. export credit
экспортные кредиты
dipl. export credits
EBRD export credit facility (raf)
 Russian thesaurus
экспортные кредиты
gen. кредиты, предоставляемые экспортерами товаров их импортерам. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
экспортные кредиты
: 32 phrases in 8 subjects
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development6
International Monetary Fund2