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noun | verb | verb | adjective | to phrases
экзаменуемая nstresses
Gruzovik examinee
экзаменоваться v
gen. be examined; go up; have one's examination; go in for an examination; go up for; take an examination (in); examine; pass; bring to pass
Gruzovik take an examination in (impf of проэкзаменоваться)
Makarov. go up to; sit an examination
obs. sit for an examination
экзаменовать v
gen. give an examination; hold an examination; examine
Gruzovik examine (impf of проэкзаменовать)
Makarov. examine documents; test
math. give someone examinations; hold examinations
scub. quiz
экзаменуемый adj.
gen. test taker (MichaelBurov); candidate (fddhhdot)
экзаменующий prtc.
gen. examiner
экзаменуемая: 24 phrases in 4 subjects
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