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эвакуационной выходstresses
construct. emergency exit (Local building codes will often dictate the number of fire exits required for a building of a given size. wiki Alexander Demidov)
эвакуационный выход
archit. exit (США that portion of a means of egress system which is separated from other interior spaces of a building or structure by fire-resistance-rated construction and opening protectives as required to provide a protected path of egress travel yevsey)
construct. emergency exit (Maxim Prokofiev); fire escape
O&G, sakh. fire escape (при пожаре); emergency escape
OHS fire exit (Leonid Dzhepko)
publ.util. escape route
эвакуационной выход: 13 phrases in 6 subjects
Firefighting and fire-control systems3
Rail transport1
Sakhalin R1