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шпана nstresses
gen. yoot; low company; tearaway (nicolayoguy); hooligans (хулиганы, жулики, беспризорные подростки ABelonogov); hoodlums (ABelonogov); rabble (ABelonogov); yob (Umnica); two-bit criminals (Taras)
Игорь Миг crooks; nastiness; thuggish youth groups; thuggish groups; street kids (Я ж пригородная шпана: днём, на свету, – удаль, ухарство, показуха; наедине с собой – смирен и почтителен. – After all, I'm a street kid from the city outskirts. During the day – bravado, swagger, showing off. By myself – meek and deferential (Michele Berdy))
amer. pissant crew (Taras); punk (mtovbin)
contempt. riffraff (ABelonogov)
Gruzovik, inf. ruffian; hoodlum
inf. hoods; punks; street thugs; small time hoodlums (Taras); small time punk (Taras); small time punks (Taras); a street gang (обобщённо о хулиганах young lawbreakers (in Russian a collective noun)); hooligan (Andrey Truhachev); scruffs (“Women and Wives” was inspired by Lead Belly, one of the blues singers we discovered as scruffs back in Liverpool – На написание “Women and Wives” меня вдохновил Ледбелли, один из блюзовых певцов, которых мы открыли для себя, когда ещё были шпаной в Ливерпуле (Пол МакКартни) • Пол начал работу над She Came In Through The Bathroom Window, вдохновлённую эпизодом, когда к нему в дом в Сент-Джонс-Вуд вломились битломаны, именовавшие себя Apple Scruffs – "яблочными огрызками" (журнал Mojo, ноябрь 2021) rollingstone.com Lily Snape); ragtag (MichaelBurov); ragtag and bobtail (MichaelBurov); ragtag group (MichaelBurov)
inf., coll. riff-raff
slang punk; usuals (fa158)
шпана Term for a male aged 16-21 from Northern New Jersey who pretends to be a "city boy" from New York. A Jersey Boy is often of Italian descent and pretends to be "hard as shit" despite having in all probability grown up in an upper-middle class suburban neighborhood. Often Jersey Boys will smoke at least 2 packs of cigarettes a day, their only larger daily expenditure of money being on hair gel and ripped jeans. Often Jersey Boys will "talk shit about everything" despite "not knowing anything". The most common staples of a Jersey Boy's vocabulary include "fuck", "thats fucking bullshit", "what are you some kind of faggot", and "...me and the boys..." In defiance of biological fact, 99% of all Jersey Boys have black hair, and are often attracted to girls who most people would describe as either, in a good way, "freak(aaaaa)y" or in a bad way, "skanky". Most Jersey Boys will grow up to marry a woman they do not love, and have multiple kids who they will barely know, which suits their personalities as it will permit them to continue to "talk shit" long after their primes. n
slang Jersey boy (fa158)
: 15 phrases in 8 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
British usage, not spelling1
Pulp and paper industry1