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шизо abbr.stresses
Игорь Миг nut job
jarg. schizo (igisheva); bonzo place (igisheva); nut hospital (igisheva); nuthouse (igisheva); nut house (igisheva); booby hatch (igisheva); nut factory (igisheva); nut college (igisheva); nuttery (igisheva); nut-box (igisheva); nut-box college (igisheva); nut-box hatch (igisheva); nut-box house (igisheva); nut-box factory (igisheva); dorky place (igisheva); puzzle house (igisheva); bughouse (igisheva)
pris.sl. solitary (Штрафной ИЗОлятор mirslovarei.com morfeas)
ШИЗО abbr.
amer. AdSeg (Administrative Segregation. Placement in a controlled unit for the safety and security of the institution – including allegations of gang affiliation, investigation of a disciplinary offense, or repeated misconduct. May be referred to as "A-Seg" in the federal system Taras)
pris.sl. ad seg (Kahren.Mkrtchyan)
 Russian thesaurus
ШИЗО abbr.
abbr., polit. штрафной изолятор
: 6 phrases in 2 subjects