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verb | verb | to phrases
шарахнуть vstresses
gen. hit (WiseSnake); shoot (WiseSnake)
Gruzovik, fig. flabbergast; strike dumb
Gruzovik, inf. dump; pommel (semelfactive of шарахать); jump aside (semelfactive of шарахать); throw; defeat; rout; smash
inf. strike (WiseSnake); rout; smash; jump aside; strike dumb; throw; defeat; zap (по цели, из орудия; прекрасный стилистический аналог: As they left the woods that evening the group saw what they described as a UFO. As they watched Walton inexplicably leapt from the moving vehicle and moved toward the craft. According to his cohorts the craft "zapped" Walton with a beam of light as he approached it. (coasttocoastam.com)) ART Vancouver)
inf., fig. flabbergast
mil., lingo pommel
шарахнуться v
gen. startle (Aly19); recoil (Рина Грант); shrink back (Рина Грант); jerk away (Abysslooker)
Gruzovik, inf. hit oneself against (semelfactive of шарахаться); jump aside out of fear or surprise (semelfactive of шарахаться); shy (semelfactive of шарахаться); shun (semelfactive of шарахаться); keep away from (semelfactive of шарахаться); rush (semelfactive of шарахаться); dash (semelfactive of шарахаться); strike oneself against (semelfactive of шарахаться)
inf. dash; hit; jump aside (out of fear or surprise); keep away from; rush; shy; strike oneself against; shun
шарахнутый prtc.
slang dwam (A trance-like state КГА)
 Russian thesaurus
шарахнуть v
inf. ударить (шарахнуть по голове; шарахнуть об столб MichaelBurov)
: 5 phrases in 2 subjects
Equestrian sports1