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gen. capable; eligible; likely
math. one who can; mighty; powerful; strong
obs. able
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gen. fugle
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мочь vstresses
gen. can (модальный глагол); be able; be able; be able to (сделать что-л.); be liable to (my social level, my health and any number of things about me are libale to change 4uzhoj); get (With an HDTV antenna I get to see all my favorite programs for free. joyand); be in a position to (kee46); get to (в знач. "иметь возможность", в контексте: We don't get to choose what happens to us–but we always get to choose how we react to it. 4uzhoj); be of assistance (быть в состоянии) оказать содействие (помощь, поддержку, услугу Johnny Bravo); lustihood; main; swell; might (with бы, Вы можете теперь идти, you may go now); present tense one need not; present tense one may not; past tense one didn't have to; may (who may that be? – кто бы это мог быть?)
context. would (You have to bind the function to the schema in order to prevent changes to the underlying tables that would affect the function. — Вы должны привязать функцию к схеме, чтобы предотвратить изменения в базовых таблицах, которые могут повлиять на функцию. Alex_Odeychuk)
Gruzovik, inf. strength
law be entitled (the company is entitled to change this policy at any time sankozh)
Makarov. may; will
math. prove able; might; be in a position; power
mech. be allowed (to do something); be capable of (something); be free to (do something)
obs. lustihead
может v
gen. may (Valerio); perhaps (Lenochkadpr); ablings; ablins
inf. has a chance to (DrHesperus); it's possible (в ответ на вопрос Alex_Odeychuk)
law tend to (which confers or tends to confer a competitive advantage over – дает или может давать конкурентное преимущество над... sankozh)
Makarov. be going to
rhetor. is capable of (Alex_Odeychuk)
могущий adj.
gen. capable; eligible; likely (событие, могущее повлиять на = event likely to affect. Scaffold must be inspected at the following frequencies: Prior to use for the first time; Every seven days; After any event likely to affect the stability of the structure ... Alexander Demidov)
Gruzovik, obs. able
math. one who can; mighty; powerful; strong
может, ... ? v
gen. what about :? (linton)
мочься v
inf. it is possible
 Russian thesaurus
мог. v
mil., abbr. воинская могила; могила; солдатская могила
могущее служить образцом
: 1 phrase in 1 subject