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что есть мочиstresses
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gen. with all one's might; for all one is worth (Anglophile); with the whole strength (Andrey Truhachev); with all his might (Andrey Truhachev); for all one is worth (And between breaths, he shouted for all he was worth, his hoarse screams blistering the back of his throat. "Stop!" he yelled. "Don't shoot!". 4uzhoj); like grim death; horse and foot
Игорь Миг in overdrive; like a bat out of hell
amer. headlong (hastily Val_Ships)
idiom. at the top of one's lungs (I made a speaking trumpet of my hands and commenced to whoop "Ahoy!" and "Hello!" at the top of my lungs. • She shouted his name at the top of her lungs, but there was no answer. Val_Ships)
inf. with all one’s might; for all one is worth; at the top of one’s lungs; with all one's might; at the top of one's voice (орать Andrey Truhachev)
Makarov. at the pitch of one's voice
что есть мочи
: 25 phrases in 6 subjects
Obsolete / dated2