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gen. quibble (Диалог из фильма Jaws 2: BRODY: Because this big fish has been bitten by some other big fish... ELKINS: This is a mammal, not a fish. BRODY: Jesus, don't quibble with me. I want to know if a Great White Shark did this. VLZ_58)
inf. quibble over words (за находку англ. термина спасибо VLZ_58: I hate to quibble over words, but a painting can be stolen "from the Louvre" even if it's there on loan from a private collection, just as you could say, "The necklace was stolen from my jewelry box," without implying that your jewelry box was the legal owner of the necklace. 4uzhoj)
slang play semantics (Ch@ika)
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: 4 phrases in 2 subjects