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cliche. it feels good (+ infinitive: A lady at Subway ordered her food and when she went to pay she realized she forgot her wallet at home. I offered to pay and save her a trip. Everyone was kind of shocked. I didn’t know what to say other than it’s okay, just pay it forward. I think we have all forgotten to be kind and help people out if you can. It feels good to help someone out. When you see someone in need of something try it and you will find you both feel better about this world. It does not have to be financially, it can just be something you can offer. A few months ago in the cold streak I helped a stranger jump a battery. He gave me a chocolate bar and we had a good laugh together getting the SUV started. Stepping away from Twitter and helping people helps remind us how amazing most people are. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
хорошо на душе
: 2 phrases in 1 subject
Cliche / convention2