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verb | verb | to phrases
хорониться vstresses
gen. nuzzle; bury (также перен.); inter; to useless; shelter (Супру); secrete oneself (Супру); hide (Супру); conceal oneself (Супру)
Игорь Миг fly under the radar; make oneself scarce (Fig. to become difficult to find; go into hiding)
fig. dead; consider obsolete
Gruzovik, obs. hide oneself (impf of схорониться)
inf. lie low (Abysslooker)
obs. nosel
obs., inf. conceal; conceal oneself; hide; lay away
хоронить v
gen. tomb; lay to rest; plant; deep six; follow to his grave; bury (также перен.); to useless; entomb; pit; outlive (в некоторых контекстах 4uzhoj); put to bed with a shovel; inhumate; inhume; sepulcher; follow sb. to his grave
Игорь Миг cast a long shadow on; scrap; scuttle
book. inter (When a dead person is interred, they are buried.: ...the spot where his bones were originally interred.)
dial. put away
dial., obs. earth
fig. dead; consider obsolete; deep-six; deep-six (план и т. п.)
Gruzovik, fig. consider useless (impf of схоронить); consider dead (impf of схоронить); consider obsolete (impf of схоронить)
Gruzovik, obs. hide (impf of схоронить); conceal (impf of схоронить); lay away (impf of схоронить)
Makarov. bury (someone – кого-либо)
obs. hearse; intomb
obs., inf. conceal; hide; lay away
rel., christ. bury (Борис Горелик)
relig. inearth; sepulchre
uncom. tumulate
: 20 phrases in 6 subjects
Figure of speech2
Obsolete / dated2