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gen. rumours are about; rumours are in the air; there are rumours that (vbadalov); according to rumors (AlexP73); it is whispered that; it is rumoured (Юрий Гомон); story appears; story is around; it is rumored; rumour has it (Юрий Гомон); word gets around (Viola4482); rumours are swirling that (sunman); word hits the street (fluggegecheimen); word on the street (the word on the street is that you're into something – ходят слухи, что ты что-то замышляешь (чем-то (особенным) занимаешься Damirules); rumor has it (Rumor has it that Fred is seeing Mary and that they are engaged. Val_Ships); there are rumours (that – что:: The pub has been shut down since March when COVID-19 hit. The website has been removed and phones calls just ring and ring with no voicemail. There are rumours that it is for sale, so perhaps someone will eventually take over. ART Vancouver); rumours going around (The story first came to my attention in about 1991 from a woman who had heard rumors going around here in Elkhorn, and particularly in the high school, that people had been seeing something like a werewolf, a wolf-like creature, or a wolf-man. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver); gossip (Alex_Odeychuk); rumours reports, etc. get abroad (и т.д.)
Игорь Миг word is; according to the rumor mill
amer. word travels (Taras)
idiom. Jaws are wagging (Yeldar Azanbayev)
inf. word has it (что: word has it they may separate soon Val_Ships); rumor is (Ivan Pisarev)
Makarov. it is bruited about; it is bruited abroad; rumours are afloat
ходит слух
gen. it is whispered; the report goes; there is a rumour abroad; report has it; there is a rumour about; it is rumoured; a rumour is afloat; it is rumored
ходили слухи
gen. Rumored (Alex_Marukov); rumor had it (MichaelBurov)
ходил слух
gen. a report was set abroad
Ходят слухи
inf. Word on the street (Word on the street is you never loved him. (Ходят слухи (до меня дошла информация), что ты никогда не любила его. chechenus)
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: 60 phrases in 5 subjects
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