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gen. come it strong; lay on with a trowel; a bit much; cut it too fat; spread it on thick; lay it on thick; lay it on with a trowel; run it into the ground (Anglophile); go too far (Anglophile); go it strong; trowel
Игорь Миг overuse; get hammered; pick fights; go overboard
idiom. run riot (Andrey Truhachev); go over the top (Andrey Truhachev)
inf. lay it on thick (в похвалах); lay it on; lay it on thickly (в похвалах); lay on the colours too thickly; come a bit strong; go a bit strong; get too high (Встречается также выражение "get unhigh", т.е. "вернуться к нормальному состоянию".: I think we've gotten too high on letting things go, be it people, our pasts, or our memories. Thankfully, when you get too high from smoking, you'll feel a little better within the next hour or so. ellie_flores); have had a bit too much to drink
Makarov. go a good way; go a great way; go a long way; go beyond the mark; heave the hatchet; overstep the mark; sling the hatchet; throw the hatchet; come it rather strong; come rather strong; go rather strong
Makarov., inf. go it a bit strong
proverb make the cup run over; run into the ground
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: 3 phrases in 2 subjects