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фура nstresses
седельный автомобильный поезд
gen. tractor-trailer (Artjaazz); tumbrel; tumbril; wagon; wain; big rig truck (an 18-wheel truck: He was traveling at night north of Kenefick, and right behind a big rig truck when a fleeting movement from the side of the road caught his attention. (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver)
agric. vehicle
amer. trailer truck (Artjaazz); semi-trailer truck (wikipedia.org hellbourne)
amer., inf. semi (от semi-trailer – седельный тягач с полуприцепом Artjaazz); semi-truck (Artjaazz); 18-wheeler (18-колесная Artjaazz); semi truck (In North America, the combination vehicles made up of a powered truck and one or more detachable trailers, are known as semi-tractor-trailers, tractor-trailers, semis, big rigs, semi trucks or eighteen-wheelers. 4uzhoj); big rig (a tractor-trailer combination 4uzhoj)
auto. semitruck (Taras)
auto., amer. rig (a tractor-trailer combination; осторожно, rig может означать и только сам тягач joyand)
brit. articulated lorry (In the UK, the term "articulated lorry" refers to the combination of a tractor and a trailer. In the U.S., this is called a semi-trailer truck, "tractor-trailer" or "semi-truck" and would not necessarily be called articulated. wikipedia.org)
brit., inf. artic (от articulated lorry 4uzhoj)
construct. wagon body
Gruzovik, hist. waggon; cart; covered wagon; covered waggon
hist. van; camion; jerk
pack., transp., germ. fuhre (автомобильный контейнер большой длины для перевозки грузов алешаBG)
theatre. truck (подвижная площадка, употребляемая на сцене)
trucks, inf. eighteen-wheeler (18-колесная Lu4ik)
фурами n
gen. by the truckload (Ремедиос_П)
язык фур n
gen. Fur
 Russian thesaurus
фура n
gen. седельный автомобильный поезд (седельный тягач с полуприцепом)
: 21 phrases in 8 subjects