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verb | verb | to phrases
уточняется vstresses
gen. hold (Georgy Moiseenko); under definition (felog); be defined (4uzhoj); be announced (напр., в программах мероприятий и т.п. 4uzhoj); be defined (4uzhoj); be determined (напр., "время проведения работ уточняется" 4uzhoj)
bus.styl. to be confirmed (напр., о дате: Arrival date to be confirmed. 4uzhoj)
busin. be announced (напр., в программах конференций 4uzhoj)
mining. on hold (статус рассмотрения документа – document review status Aiduza)
tech. on hold (kitsenko)
"уточняется" v
energ.ind. later (на чертежах, графиках, в таблицах Savanna)
уточнять v
gen. specify; itemize; circumstantiate; specificate; precise; rectify; specialize; ascertain (bookworm); pinpoint (Gilmore said he expected the joint economic commission on Monday to pinpoint areas where the two countries could boost trade, which he said reached 2 billion euros ($2.76 billion) last year and is expected to grow more this year. TMT Alexander Demidov); inquire (Ivan Pisarev); exposit (irosenrot); further define (Alexander Demidov); finalize (Alexander Demidov); elaborate (to explain or describe something in a more detailed way • ~ (on/upon something) He said he was resigning but did not elaborate on his reasons. • ~ something She went on to elaborate her argument. OALD Alexander Demidov); respecify (см. wiktionary.org Phyloneer); modify (Phyloneer); redefine (Phyloneer); review (essence); reconfirm (Phyloneer); enquire (преим.); nominate; qualify (высказывание); pick up on (I'd just like to pick up on a couple of points that you made. VLZ_58); flesh out details (Nato met on Thursday to flesh out details of a rapid reaction force of about 5,000 troops to be deployed in eastern Europe. TG Alexander Demidov); fill in the blank (I. noun: A type of question or phrase with one or more words replaced with a blank line, giving the reader the chance to add the missing word(s). II. verb: 1. To answer or complete a fill in the blank. (idiomatic, figuratively) 2. To complete the interruption, ambiguity or vagueness in understanding, perception or context of a situation. 2010, George Friedman, Flotillas and the Wars of Public Opinion: The Zionists intended to shape the perceptions of a global public with limited interest in or understanding of the issues, filling in the blanks with their own narrative. WT Alexander Demidov); constrain (напр., модель sheetikoff); amplify; finesse (Engineers will now finesse the probe's trajectory and prepare its instruments for the daring encounter. BBC Alexander Demidov); be more specific (Morning93); check about (Not sure exactly how to execute what you suggested... but I'll check about it. 4uzhoj); get into specifics (The RCMP spokesperson said they had recovered dangerous goods but did not get into specifics. – не уточнил ART Vancouver); probe (напр., при переспрашивании Abysslooker); improve (данные); elaborate (напр.: "Please elaborate" – "Уточните". Alexander Demidov); check with (что-либо у кого-либо) You should check with the concierge about the bus to the airport. Denis Lebedev); clarify a few things (кое-что Taras); state more precisely; find out more about
Gruzovik give in detail
book. query
busin. adjust; follow up (информацию alexsokol); check understanding
goldmin. updated (Leonid Dzhepko)
inf. zero in on (syn.: elaborate on. e.g. Can you zero in on what your job specifics are? Jen anto)
IT qualify
law clarify
Makarov. clean; define more exactly; emendate (формулировку и т.п.); improve the accuracy of; make specific; refine (теорию); render more precise; define more accurately; define more precisely; elaborate on; make more accurate; refine on; refine upon; correct
math. refine; make more precise; make more exact; pin down; improve; extend
mech.eng. determine the exact ([shall determine the exact weight] Phyloneer)
med. reinforce; verify
mil. retarget
O&G, karach. firm up (напр., firm up the cost estimate Aiduza)
O&G, sakh. update (документ, перечень)
O&G, tengiz. refresh (Aiduza)
offic. keep updated (Bedrin); re-confirm (проверять igisheva)
oil update
progr. notice (ssn)
qual.cont. improve (результаты или данные)
slang lay out ("Hey, Michael, our boss laid out the job for us". - "Слушай, Майкл, - встречает сержанта Холдуина Ле Пешен, - тут наш начальник придумал работу для нас".)
tech. detail; revise; redetermine; amend
уточняться v
gen. be elaborated (This point will be elaborated further in the next chapter. OCD Alexander Demidov); be defined more accurately; be defined more precisely; become more accurate; become more exact; define more precisely; elaborate; make more exact; make more precise; refine; specify
Gruzovik become more exact (impf of уточниться); become more accurate (impf of уточниться); be defined more precisely (impf of уточниться); be defined more accurately (impf of уточниться)
Makarov. clean; be defined more exactly; become more accurately; become more exactly; become more precisely; improve
уточнять документ, тендерное предложение v
gen. qualify (а. англо-русский словарь трудностей научно-технической лексики Dominator_Salvator)
: 113 phrases in 34 subjects
Armored vehicles1
Automated equipment1
Corporate governance1
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development1
Information technology2
Mass media1
Oil / petroleum2
SAP tech.1
Wood processing1