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уставный капиталstresses
gen. registered capital; authorised share capital (A company’ s nominal (or authorised) share capital refers to the quantity of shares a company is authorised to issue (as indicated in the company’ s Memorandum of Association). LE Alexander Demidov); shareholders' equity (Zen1)
account. authorised capital stock; legal capital (суммарная номинальная стоимость выпущенных акций с номиналом или суммарная объявленная стоимость акций без номинала); stated capital (суммарная номинальная стоимость выпущенных акций с номиналом или суммарная объявленная стоимость акций без номинала); share capital (GB – adopted in DVX); share capital (money invested in a business in the form of shares rather than bonds or other forms of lending: "The family holds 90% of the firm's share capital. CBED Alexander Demidov)
busin. ownership capital; nominal capital (УК)
EBRD authorised capital (УК); equity capital (УК); statutory fund (УК); registered capital (УК); equity (raf)
econ. authorized capital stock (банка); owner's equity; authorized capital (The authorised capital of a company (sometimes referred to as the authorised share capital or the nominal capital, particularly in the United States) is the maximum amount of share capital that the company is authorised by its constitutional documents to issue to shareholders. Part of the authorised capital can (and frequently does) remain unissued. The part of the authorised capital which has been issued to shareholders is referred to as the issued share capital of the company. In the United Kingdom, the concept of authorised share capital was abolished under the Companies Act 2006. Alexander Demidov); statutory capital (The amount of capital and/or surplus required in order for an insurance company to obtain and retain a license to do business. May be stated as a minimum dollar amount or by reference to a solvency ratio or a solvency margin. irmi.com Alexander Demidov); equity capital; equity funds
fin. authorized fund
IMF. authorized capital
law charter capital; chartered capital; issued share capital (Nikolay Altukhov)
media. authorized capital stock (bigmaxus)
SAP.fin. capital stock
уставной капитал
busin. nominal capital; further capital; registered capital (оба написания – "уставной" и "уставный", зафиксированы в некоторых словарях как правильные); charter capital (usu. in rus->eng translation: The assets brought together to form a company. For example, a joint stock company takes its charter capital and divides it into a set number of shares.: He [Yakunin, head of Russian Railways] presides over one of the largest transportation systems in the world, with a charter capital estimated at 36.5 billion euros ($53 billion) in 2010. TMT Alexander Demidov)
O&G, sakh. authorized capital (Левченко Sakhalin Energy)
tax. equity capital (dimock)
уставный акционерный капитал
oil authorized capital (капитал, зафиксированный в уставе компании, не обязательно полностью оплаченный serz)
 Russian thesaurus
уставный капитал
gen. первоначальная сумма капитала предприятия фирмы, определенная его уставом и формируемая в основном за счёт выручки от продажи акций. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
уставной капитал
уставный капитал
уставном капитале
: 175 phrases in 12 subjects
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development15