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gen. stud; intersperse; spangle; dot; pepper; spread
book. constellate
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gen. starry

verb | verb | to phrases
усеивать vstresses
gen. stud; intersperse; spangle; dot; pepper; spread; bedrop; speck; spatter; litter (with); strew (with); begem; smother; pave; bespatter; cover (with); sow (with); shower (блёстками, цветами); besprinkle; bestud; hang (часто passive voice)
Gruzovik sow with (impf of усеять); cover with (impf of усеять); litter with (impf of усеять); strew with (impf of усеять)
book. constellate
Makarov. hang (hung, hanged); island; dot with; hang with (часть pass.; плодами и т. п.); litter with (разбрасывать); pepper with (усыпать); set something with something (чем-либо; что-либо); strew with
усеиваться v
gen. be covered (with); be sprinkled (with); be strewn (with); be studded (with); litter (with); strew (with); stud (with); dot (with); be dotted (with); cover (with); sow (with)
Gruzovik be dotted with (impf of усеяться); be studded with (impf of усеяться); be sprinkled with (impf of усеяться); be covered with (impf of усеяться); be strewn with (impf of усеяться)
fig. be filled (with)
Gruzovik, fig. be filled with (impf of усеяться)
усеивать: 9 phrases in 3 subjects