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verb | verb | to phrases
умалчиваться vstresses
gen. conceal; fail to mention; hold back; hush up; suppress; pass over in silence
inf. be hushed up (Ваня.В)
obs. fall silent
умалчивать v
gen. conceal; dissemble (факт, деталь и т. п.); be silent; keep silent (with o, about); keep something quiet; keep quiet (что-либо); be very reticent about on, something (о чём-либо); not reveal (q3mi4); stay quiet about (напр., о совершенном преступлении Lana Falcon); fail to mention; suppress; withhold; leave out ("A basic tenet of mine: The media – anywhere – can best be judged by what they leave out. Vancouver's Crisis Pregnancy Centre was recently vandalized. Read/hear about it? I didn't. Did any reader? Oh, the centre is pro-life. Now, if it advocated ... fill in your own blanks." Trevor Lautens, NS News – "О прессе – где угодно – можно судить лучше всего по тому, о чём она умалчивает." ART Vancouver); keep sth. on the down low (о чём-либо: Keep this information on the down low, please Oleg Nikulin); hold a few things back (Taras); say nothing (about)
Gruzovik pass over in silence (impf of умолчать); suppress (impf of умолчать); fail to mention (impf of умолчать)
Gruzovik, obs. fall silent (impf of умолчать)
idiom. draw a discrete veil (over something: The few obituary notices drew a discrete veil over the cause of his demise. • Thus public health propaganda emphasizes the virtues of catching cancer at an early stage, when there is some hope of treating it, while drawing a discrete veil over the fact that most of the medical treatments currently availabl e involve devastating the body's immune system in a way which could prove fatal even if the cancer is cured. 4uzhoj)
inf. keep in the dark (Himera); sweep under the rug (keep under one's hat Val_Ships); keep something under one's hat (Val_Ships)
mil. hush up
O&G, sakh. hold back
obs. fall silent; huddle
: 28 phrases in 4 subjects
Contextual meaning1