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gen. sequester; isolate; seclude; set apart
gen. lonely; cloistral; sequestered; private; coy
math. isolated
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gen. room
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verb | verb | to phrases
уединённый prtc.stresses
gen. lonely; cloistral; sequestered; private; coy; recluse; retired; remote; close; cloistered; lone; lonesome; obscure; privy; secret; sole; hermitic; hideaway; removed; lane; reclusive; sequestering (apollopa); offering privacy; secluded; separate; solitary; devious; sheltered; lorn; unfrequented; out of the way
amer. isolated (напр.уединенное место; area Val_Ships)
el. solitary
Makarov. single; hermitical; lone (о частицах, полюсах)
math. isolated
publ.util. recessed (leonid21061975)
relig. quiet
uncom. withdrawn; shy
уединиться v
gen. cut oneself off from the world; cloister; retire; bury oneself in the country; holeup (Anglophile); withdraw (from); seclude; go somewhere private (4uzhoj)
Gruzovik seclude oneself from (pf of уединяться); withdraw from (pf of уединяться)
Игорь Миг close oneself off (в некоторых контекстах)
Makarov. cloister oneself (от общества); seclude oneself from society; shut oneself away
trav. privatize (по тексту было "в сауне" jimka)
уединить v
gen. sequester; isolate; set apart
Gruzovik seclude (pf of уединять)
уединённые prtc.
gen. solitudes
уединённая комната
: 1 phrase in 1 subject