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noun | word form | to phrases
удачи nstresses
gen. best wishes (Be polite and appreciative – courtesy is cool – everyone appreciates it. If he doesn't, what more can we say? The ultimate decision is yours and of course "taming the barbarian" is a challenge that some of us just can't resist. Our best wishes are with you – after all noble savages are known to exist but seriously, think it over once again. drag); good luck (Stormy); good luck all (Yeldar Azanbayev); god-speed; stay safe (в некоторых контектах 4uzhoj)
idiom. brake a leg (used for wishing someone good luck, especially before a performance cambridge.org Rus7)
удачи! n
gen. success attend you! (z484z); stay safe (в знач. "береги себя, будь осторожен" 4uzhoj)
Игорь Миг take care!
irish good luck
'удачи! n
inf. take care (")
удача n
gen. luck; good luck; chance; stroke of luck; success; fortune; bonanza; godsend; mercy; score (what a score! – повезло!); good inning; good innings; lucky break; honey-fall; pudding-bag; die; a stroke of luck; a piece of good luck; a gift from the Gods; god-speed; bluebird (ABelonogov); a bit of luck (Franka_LV); serendipity (izlondona); god speed; honey fall; pudding bag; squeak; purple patch (British informal: a run of success or good luck – Concise OED Alexander Demidov); coup; fluke (BrinyMarlin); piece of luck; turn-up; turn up; good fortune (e.g., happiness and good fortune – счастье и удача // ART Vancouver); a piece of good luck; hit; luck of the Irish (ирландцы считаются везунчиками по жизни Kantarella); lightning in a bottle (неполная версия фразы: catch lightning in a bottle: even if he never catches lightning in a bottle again like he did on Odelay, Beck is still a once-in-a-lifetime talent who's earned the right to do whatever the fuck he wants wiktionary.org vogeler); luckiness; sway; thriving; turn; venture
Gruzovik achievement
arch. speed
austral., new.zeal., inf. do
austral., slang bonzer
fig. odds (Vadim Rouminsky)
idiom. in the lap of the gods (used to say that a situation that cannot be controlled and depends only on good luck: The doctors have done everything possible for him, so his recovery now is in the lap of the gods. VLZ_58)
inf. go; joy
invect. good shit
obs. hap (удачное событие Екатерина Лебедева; в смысле "удачное событие"; кроме того, 'a hap' является устаревшим словом и, следовательно, должно быть перенесено из раздела "Общая лексика" в раздел "Архаизм" TarasZ); fortunateness; jump
psychol. happiness
slang mazel; a good job; friar tuck. (He always have a bit of friar tuck. Interex); good job (Yeldar Azanbayev); break
vulg. jackass; shit; tomtit; ass
Удачи! n
gen. I wish you luck! (ART Vancouver)
slang Lots of luck! (Interex)
большая удача n
IT hit
удача! n
market. bingo (Georgy Moiseenko)
желаю вам удачи! n
Gruzovik good luck!
подражание произношению негров из южных штатов удача n
vulg. sheet
удачи form.
construct. mazal tov (еврейское народное пожелание, широко распространённое, в частности, в США, как и чикса (от евр. шикуц -- мерзость). Прямой эквивалент good luck. Так же, как и в англ., есть mazal ra или mazal lo tov, bad luck, и mazal tov, good luck. CBET)
inf. way to go! (Way to go, bro! VLZ_58); Fingers crossed (Fingers crossed for your driving test! VLZ_58)
удачи! form.
gen. Godspeed (Марчихин)
inf. best of luck! (Sakhalin Energy)
irish may the road rise before you
удачи тебе! form.
inf. stay lucky!
удачи вам! form.
inf. stay lucky!
: 459 phrases in 39 subjects
American usage, not spelling6
Bookish / literary3
British usage, not spelling2
Cliche / convention1
Computer games3
Contextual meaning1
Explanatory translation1
Figure of speech3
Humorous / Jocular1
Information technology3
Mass media2
Obsolete / dated2
Oil and gas2