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gen. public health hazard (Similarly, according to the New York State Department of Health, based on the available information, chemical exposures from crumb rubber in synthetic turf do not pose a public health hazard. We maintain that operating such illegal public slaughterhouses creates a public nuisance, a public health risk, a public health hazard and a dangerous condition, and we will continue our fight to stop this terrible, cruel practice. He's worried the area could become a public health hazard if irresponsible dog owners don't pick up after the dogs. Scorpion poisoning is a common medical problem and has become a public health hazard. Even if using e-cigarettes was less hazardous than smoking conventional cigarettes, they could still be a major public health hazard by permitting users to continue smoking despite workplace smoking bans Dr Aseem Malhotra, a cardiologist and the science director of Action on Sugar, said: "We must particularly protect children from this public health hazard and the food industry needs to immediately reduce the amount of sugar they are adding. thefreedictionary.com Alexander Demidov)