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verb | verb | to phrases
угостить vstresses
gen. give an entertainment; entertain (we don't entertain – мы не устраиваем у себя приёмов); stand (who's going to stand treat? – кто будет платить за угощение?); stand a drink (кого-либо); give a treat (кого-либо); regale with (чем-либо); regale (with); feast; help; treat (to); ply with (Andrey Truhachev); regale with (тж. ирон.)
Gruzovik treat to (pf of угощать); regale with (pf of угощать)
fig., inf. rain blows on (someone); beat unmercifully
Gruzovik, fig. beat unmercifully (pf of угощать); rain blows on (someone); pf of угощать)
Makarov. entertain at; stand someone a drink (стаканчиком; кого-либо); treat to
угоститься v
gen. regale (with); entertain (to); feast; treat (to)
fig., inf. entertain; rain blows on (someone); beat unmercifully
Gruzovik, fig. bump oneself against (pf of угощаться); knock oneself against (pf of угощаться); bang oneself against (pf of угощаться)
Gruzovik, inf. eat with relish (pf of угощаться); treat oneself to (pf of угощаться); drink with relish (pf of угощаться)
inf. drink with relish; eat; treat oneself (to); partake oneself; help oneself to (with instr.)
inf., fig. knock oneself (against); bang oneself (against); bump oneself (against)
: 62 phrases in 6 subjects