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gen. get poisoned by carbon monoxide; be reduced by smelting; burn down; be overcome by fumes; get carbon monoxide poisoning
Gruzovik be poisoned by charcoal fumes (impf of угореть); get poisoned by carbon monoxide (impf of угореть); burn away; burn down (impf of угореть)
Gruzovik, foundr. be reduced by smelting (impf of угореть)
Gruzovik, inf. go mad (impf of угореть); grow stupid (impf of угореть); go crazy (impf of угореть)
idiom. laugh one's head off ((жарг.) веселиться, смеяться | Phrases such as laugh your head off and scream your head off can be used to emphasize that someone is laughing or screaming a lot or very loudly (Collins Dictionary) ART Vancouver)
inf. get a kick out of (Yesterday, we got a kick out of his fooling around / listening to his wise cracks / making fun of him. VLZ_58); be zany (about something Ремедиос_П); go crazy; grow stupid; go mad
slang crack up (Она была очень смешная и мы угорали каждый раз, когда она что-то скажет. She was very funny and we cracked up every time she said anything. Talmid)
: 10 phrases in 1 subject