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gen. pushed out
amer. voted off the island
gen. dismissed person
busin. dismissed
chem. sacked
inf. fired
law redundant
mil. dischargee; separatee
mil. inf. out the window

adjective | verb | verb | to phrases
уволенный adj.stresses
gen. dismissed person; ousted (MichaelBurov); disembodied (о солдатах); exempt; free; down the road; freed person
Gruzovik discharged person; dismissed person; freed person
busin. dismissed
chem. sacked
econ. job loser (Of these, there were 611,000 (30%) who had ceased a job involuntarily (job losers) and 1.4 million people (70%) who had ceased a job voluntarily (job leavers) – Australian Bureau of Statistics Tamerlane)
food.ind. fired
inf. fired (с работы; dismiss from a job Val_Ships); laid off (с работы Val_Ships)
jarg. decruited (Gweorth)
law redundant (о работнике)
med. released (с военной службы.)
mil. dischargee (с военной службы); separatee
mil., inf. out the window (с военной службы)
slang the gate; plutoed (Lily Snape)
уволить v
gen. exempt; privilege; turn out; dismiss; give; dispense; spare; boot round; displace; relieve; remove; retire; shelve; superannuate; send away; fire out (с работы); kick out; muster out; send to grass; stand off (на время); kiss off; rif; pension off; boot out; give somebody the sack (кого-либо); give the chuck; give the gate; give the mitten; give the push; give the bag (кого-либо); give the shove; send someone packing (кого-либо); send to the right-about (кого-либо); can (служащего); canner (служащего); give the ax; give the axe; give the elbow (Anglophile); give someone his walking-papers (Anglophile); give the sack; hoof out; send about his business (кого-либо); give the walking papers to someone (Tanya Gesse); pay off (от должности, от места); terminate the (one's) employment (Tiny Tony); lay off; cast; discard; put to grass; terminate (YakovF Yakov F.); remove from the office (с работы, с должности, с поста MichaelBurov); remove from office (с работы, с должности, с поста MichaelBurov)
Gruzovik discharge (pf of увольнять)
Игорь Миг suspend from duty
amer. drop; be let go or to let someone go (used in the general sense when it is not clear whether one is fired or laid off. Maggie); to be let go or to let someone go (used in the general sense when it is not clear whether one is fired or laid off. Maggie); vote off the island ("Voted off the island" is coined from the popular Survivor TV reality series. VLZ_58)
amer., nonstand. give the air; give the airs
austral., inf. tramp
austral., slang give someone the Flick (кого-либо)
busin., inf. let go (to officially make (someone) leave a job: The company let him go at the end of the month. • He was let go at the end of the month.)
cinema wipe
dipl. throw out of work (кого-либо)
econ. give someone their cards (Andreyi)
Gruzovik, mil. cashier; grant leave
idiom. give someone the heave-ho (to make someone leave their job: I'm looking for work again because they gave me the old heave-ho. Interex); give someone their marching orders (She was called into the manager's office and given her marching orders Taras)
inf. boot; sack; hoof; hand a discharge (кого-либо); give the boot (Anglophile); give the order of the boot (Anglophile); downsize (dolorous); scrub (сотрудника); fire; hooves; shitcan someone out (Taras); give somebody his marching orders (кого-либо); give someone notice (to tell someone that they must leave their job: I hate to tell you this, but I have to give you your notice. 4uzhoj)
inf., amer. can (с работы); flunk
Makarov. give someone the bag (кого-либо); give cards to (someone – кого-либо); give someone his cards (кого-либо); give someone the chuck (кого-либо); give someone the order of the boot (кого-либо); give someone the push (кого-либо); give someone the sack (кого-либо); lay off (со службы); pay off; push out (обыкн. незаслуженно); send out to grass; stand off; toss out; turn out to grass; give someone the boot (кого-либо); put out to grass; shove out (обыкн. незаслуженно)
Makarov., inf. give someone his marching orders (кого-либо); scrub out (кого-либо); scrub round (кого-либо)
Makarov., inf., amer. fire out
mil. release; separate
mil., avia. discharge
modern ditch (Yokky)
slang fluff off; gate; give someone the ax; give someone the gate; let out; pinkslip; ship; give the bird; can (кого-либо; I'll can anybody who tries a stunt like that again.Я уволю любого кто попытается отмочить такой номер опять. Interex); give someone the ax (кого-либо Interex)
уволиться v
gen. quit the job (Yanick); quit voluntarily (triumfov); discharge; dismiss; fire; lay off; leave the service; sack; decamp ([...] had decamped to set up her own business as a technical consultant. Fesenko); quit one's job (Mike Fox quit his job at Sportsnet 560 last month for a job to start in June. I wonder where? – уволился ART Vancouver); leave voluntarily (4uzhoj); hand in one's notice (Ремедиос_П); be signed off from work (Alex_Odeychuk); leave (There are currently about 4,000 Secret Service members, but in recent years there's been retention problems, which was unheard of in years past, he said. It used to be that "you either died or retired, and no one left," but things have really gone downhill in the organization since it was transferred from the Dept. of the Treasury over to Homeland Security (...) – никто не увольнялся coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver); be discharged; get one’s discharge; be released; be excused
amer. jump ship (When the company announced that it was losing money, many of its employees jumped ship Taras)
construct., prof.jarg. drag up
Gruzovik, mil. get one's discharge (pf of увольняться); leave the service (pf of увольняться)
HR resign from one's job as (ART Vancouver); resign from one's position as (ART Vancouver); have given up on holding down a job (Alex_Odeychuk)
inf. spare; take exit (Abysslooker)
lab.law. walk out of the job (Alex_Odeychuk)
mil. get discharge
slang bail out (Interex)
uncom. take discharge
уволен adj.
gen. pushed out (Августинка)
amer. voted off the island (Mindy was voted off the island last week – Минди была уволена на прошлой неделе. kiberline)
нет уж, увольте! v
fig. count me out (markovka)
увольте v
rhetor. not a chance (Abysslooker)
уволить кого-л. v
gen. pay off (от должности, от места)
уволившийся prtc.
SAP. left company
увольте! v
slang cash me out (Ivan Pisarev)
: 476 phrases in 43 subjects
American usage, not spelling31
British usage, not spelling1
Human resources8
Labor law5
Mass media2
Military lingo7
Notarial practice2
Obsolete / dated1
Professional jargon2
Quotes and aphorisms1
Security systems4