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трудовые конфликтыstresses
econ. labor strife (A.Rezvov)
law labor troubles (Labor Troubles means and include strikes, boycotts, picketing, work-stoppages, slowdowns, disputes, or any other type of labor trouble, regardless of the employer of the person involved or their employment status, if any. archive.is Баян)
notar. labor disputes
трудовой конфликт
gen. labour dispute (AD); labor unrest (Labor unrest is a term used by employers or those generally in the business community to describe organizing and strike actions undertaken by labor unions, especially where labor disputes become violent or where industrial actions in which members of a workforce obstruct the normal process of business and generate industrial unrest are essayed. WAD Alexander Demidov); labor dispute; labour dispute
busin. controversy; wage dispute; labour unrest (industry) unrest or dissatisfaction displayed by workers, often in the form of strikes, and sometimes violent disputes, etc, which disrupts normal business Example Sentences Including "labour unrest" But labour unrest or terrorism could trigger spikes in the sensitive stocks, Intersuisse resources analyst Gavin Wendt said. COURIER, SUNDAY MAIL 2004) Flash strikes crippled many big plants in East Germany, and labour unrest flared in Bulgarian factories. GLOBE AND MAIL 2003) For Franco, labour unrest was simply a law and order problem generated by Communist agitators. Preston, Paul FRANCO Mounting protests and labour unrest show his grip is weakening. TIMES, SUNDAY TIMES 2002) Such investments are merely insurance payments made by a political leadership fearful of labour unrest. TIMES, SUNDAY TIMES 2002) The British disease of industrial stagnation and labour unrest still appeared to be endemic despite the recent change of government. Forbes, Bryan THE ENDLESS GAME The plant employs 25 per cent of the total workforce and was the venue of violent labour unrest last year. BUSINESS TODAY 2001). Collins Alexander Demidov)
econ. industrial dispute
law labour controversy; trade dispute; labor controversy; labour conflict
 Russian thesaurus
трудовые конфликты
gen. коллективные трудовые споры по вопросам применения действующего законодательства о труде, установления новых или изменения существующих условий труда и быта между коллективами предприятий и администрацией. Законодательством устанавливается порядок разрешения трудовых конфликтов. Как правило, для их разрешения предусматривается создание специальных органов примирительные комиссии, трудовые арбитражи и т. д.. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
трудовые конфликты
: 11 phrases in 7 subjects
Court law1
Notarial practice2