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noun | verb | verb | to phrases
торопись! nstresses
gen. hurry up
торопь n
Gruzovik, obs. haste (= торопливость); hurry (= торопливость)
торопись! v
gen. hurry up!; make haste!; hustle up
торопись v
gen. run like hell (ivanraskum)
торопиться v
gen. hasten; bustle; hustle; haste; hie; look alive; push forward; hurry up; skelp; be in a hurry; shake a leg (shake a leg – живей! живей поворачивайся!); be hard pressed for time; be in haste; be quick; be slippy; have no time; look slippy; speed oneself; swiften; put best foot foremost; put best foot first; put a spirt on; put a spurt on; act quickly (Burdujan); rush (Notburga); be in a hurry; push along; put best foot forward; go on; fleet; skip; trot; come early ("Don't ~" bellb1rd); skelter; hurry (hurry up! – скорее, живее, пошевеливайся!); post; speed; skurry (The Rabbit started violently, dropped the white kid gloves and the fan, and skurried away into the darkness as hard as he could go. collinsdictionary.com EffieS); be quick; cut off delays; hye; make haste; the more haste; the worse speed; ply; precipitate; press; put on; spur; troll it away; urge; act too hastily; be too hasty; have no time to stay; hustle up; zoom down (также zoom up, zoom along, zoom around etc. sea holly)
Gruzovik make haste
austral., slang get a wriggle on; make it snappy; zip
book. festinate (VLZ_58)
idiom. be pushed for time (Баян); jump the gun (You can hardly wait to socialize, but don't jump the gun. VLZ_58); be out over skis (букв. "обогнать собственные лыжи": Look, I just said that I liked the girl, not that I wanna marry her. Let's not get out over our skis, here. – Слушай, я всего лишь сказал, что мне нравится девушка, а не что я хочу жениться на ней. Давай мы не будем торопиться. • I'm a little out over my skis in talking about economics, but I did want to share these thoughts and these graphs. – Я немного забежал вперёд, говоря об экономике, но действительно хочу поделиться этими мыслями и графиками. Senior Strateg)
inf. press on; get a move on; nip along; nip; bust a move (You'd better bust a move! You are late. Valery Popyonov)
inf., dial. powder
Makarov. bear a bob; shift a bob; get a jerk on (с чем-либо); double up; be short of time; bustle about; bustle around; bustle up; come along; come on; hurry into (с чем-либо); put one's best leg foremost; put one's best leg forward; put the best foot first; put the best foot foremost; set one's best foot first; set one's best foot foremost; set one's best foot forward; set the best foot first; set the best foot foremost; set the best foot forward; shake a leg; work against time; put the best foot forward
Makarov., inf. cut off; nip out; nip up; rattle one's dags
nautic. bear a hand
obs. prease
scottish whirry; busk
slang step on the gas; highball; hit it up; hump; shake it up; step on it; jam (VLZ_58)
vulg. get the lead out of one's ass (обыч. употребляется в императиве); rattle one's dags (см. dags; употребляется в императиве)
торопить v
gen. rush (Don't rush your client or he may withdraw.); speed; enforce; force; forward; hurry (up); hurry on; the more haste; the worse speed; push forward; pushing; quick; quicken; rash; whir; speed up; hurry sb., sth. up; hurry sb. up; hustle up; hasten; hurry up; bustle; crowd (с чем-либо); precipitate; press; push (должника и т. п.); haste; buck up; hustle; spank; buck up imp; spanker; urge; scurry
Gruzovik urge on (impf of поторопить); hurry on; press on (impf of поторопить); push on (impf of поторопить); rush on (impf of поторопить)
austral., slang rattle your dags
busin. drive
Makarov. bustle up; hustle into; hustle to; inject some urgency; put the skids under
obs. forthward; prease; properate; whur
poetic hie
railw. bungle
slang give someone or something the goose (кого-то или что-то); highball
торопитесь v
gen. make haste or else you will be late; make despatch; look sharp; look about you!
торопитесь! v
gen. Roll up! Roll up! (крик зазывалы у балагана)
торопитесь с этим! v
gen. be quick about it!
 Russian thesaurus
торопь n
obs. торопливость
: 262 phrases in 22 subjects
American usage, not spelling5
Cliche / convention1
Humorous / Jocular1
Military lingo1
Obsolete / dated1
Uncommon / rare1