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gen. stamp one's feet (Alexander Matytsin); tap one's feet (с целью очистки обуви от снега Taras); trample
idiom. stamp one's foot at smb. (Его жена, сухая, черноглазая, с большим носом, топала на него ногами и кричала, как на слугу. (М. Горький, В людях) — His wife was a lean, black-eyed woman with a large nose, who shouted and stamped her foot at him as though he were the servingman Taras)
Makarov. stamp one's foot
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gen. stamp; tromp foot; stamp one's foot (lexicographer); stamp one's foot (feet, нога́ми)
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gen. Stamp your feet! (Liliya Marsden)
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: 13 phrases in 3 subjects