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comp., MS trade-off matrix (A tool for managing project trade-offs by portraying them in a matrix that reflects the three project variables (presented on the y axis) in the context of three decisions (presented on the x axis). The project variables are resources (people and money), schedule (time), and features (the product and its quality). These variables are sometimes presented as the trade-off triangle. The three decisions are whether to optimize, constrain, or accept a given variable. A change to one of the project variables requires that the team make a correction on one of the three sides to maintain project balance, including potentially the same side on which the change first occurred. For example, a decision to add a feature to a product may require that other features be removed if sufficient time and resources are unavailable to support their development)
IMF. reconciliation table
Таблица согласования
proj.manag. Drawing Issue Template (Lialia03)
таблица согласования
: 2 phrases in 1 subject