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gen. go down
gen. gather; arrive; meet; descend; come together; assemble
idiom. move in with
inf. move in together; move together
| на берег
 на берегу
gen. alongshore

verb | verb | to phrases
съезжать vstresses
gen. drive down; turn off; drive off (a road); go; descend; go down (with с + gen.); ride down; slide down (with no); swing; move; move out (с квартиры); turn; vacate (с квартиры, арендуемого помещения)
Gruzovik go down (impf of съехать); ride down (impf of съехать); descend (impf of съехать); slide down (impf of съехать); turn (impf of съехать); swing (impf of съехать); come down (impf of съехать)
auto. pull off
fig. fall back (Andrey Truhachev)
fig., inf. change (the subject, one's tone, etc); drive off; leave; lower price; slip
fig., inf., obs. depart
Gruzovik, fig. change the subject, (one's) tone, etc (impf of съехать); slip down (impf of съехать); lower one's price (impf of съехать); come down in price (impf of съехать)
Gruzovik, obs. depart (impf of съехать); drive off (impf of съехать); leave (impf of съехать)
inf. move out (of); slip down; slip off
Makarov. come down (спускаться); go down (спускаться); slide down (скользя)
obs. drive out (of)
tech. roll off (Secretary)
съезжаться v
gen. gather; arrive; descend (on: descend on the city sankozh); come together (kee46); assemble (kee46); move in with (чтобы жить вместе: ...if you don't trust him, why are you moving in with him? Taras); meet; run into each other
Gruzovik meet; arrive (impf of съехаться)
idiom. move in with (someone); начинать жить вместе Supernova)
inf. move in together (Andrey Truhachev); move together (начинать жить вместе под одной крышей В.И.Макаров)
Makarov. meet together
slang shack up with
съезжая v
Gruzovik, obs. cell (in a police station)
obs. administration and police office (изба)административно-полицейская канцелярия eugeene1979)
: 48 phrases in 13 subjects
Alpine skiing1
Armored vehicles1
Rail transport1