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gen. fuss; bother; bustle; create; flap; hustle
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idiom. in circles

verb | verb | to phrases
суетиться vstresses
gen. fuss; bother; bustle; create; flap; hustle; scurry; scuttle; pother; bustle about; run about; trot about; fidget (о детях); tew; make a fuss about something; make a fuss about; be fussy; show fussiness; hurry-skurry; jump about; buzz; go into a flat spin (Anglophile); shift around (Aly19); hurry scurry; hurry skurry; clutter; hover (вокруг, около – about, around); buzz about; make a to-do; fuss about; shack up; fettle; niggle; rush around (Dannka); bedash; make a fuss (Ivan1992); be fussy; be in a flurry; hurry-scurry; fiddle; have the fidgets in one's legs; flutter; popple; scamble; run around; run around like a chicken with its head cut off
amer. fuss and fret (Aprilen)
austral., slang stew
busin. hurry about
inf. fly around; hop (plushkina); mess around (Now that you've actually been given a chance to sit back and relax, don't mess around. VLZ_58); run in circles (Stop running in circles and get more organized – Перестань суетиться и наведи порядок в своих делах VLZ_58)
Makarov. fluster; be in a flurry; bounce about; bustle around; bustle up; buzz with activity; fuss over; get a hustle on; hum with activity; scurry about
Makarov., inf. flap about; flap around
obs. fidge (о детях)
slang kick; whip the cat; shake up ("This news shook up all the journalists". == "Эта новость всполошила всех журналистов".)
speed.skat. hurry
vulg. come in one's pants; futy; tear-ass about; faff
суетить v
Gruzovik, inf. press; hurry; rush
суетиться: 53 phrases in 6 subjects
American usage, not spelling4