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судья Верховного Судаstresses
amer. justice (страны или штата в США; a judge of the supreme court of a country or state: Justice Scalia is under fire for his comments Val_Ships)
судья Верховного суда
law Justice of the Supreme Court; Supreme Court Justice (напр., Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens; Associated Press Alex_Odeychuk); justice (a judge or magistrate, in particular a judge of the supreme court of a country or state: Justice Scalia is under fire for his comments differencebetween.com Borys Vishevnyk)
судья верховного суда
busin. supreme court judge
Судьи Верховного суда
law JJSC (множественное число Kovrigin)
судья Верховного Суда
: 9 phrases in 5 subjects
Scottish usage1