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судебно-психиатрическая экспертизаstresses
gen. forensic psychiatric examination (Alexander Demidov); forensic psychiatric assessment (A forensic psychiatric assessment may have a number of purposes. A forensic assessment may be required of an individual who has been charged with a crime (usually a violent crime), to establish whether the person has the capacity (in legal terms) to stand trial. If a person with a mental illness is convicted of an offense, a forensic report may be required to inform the Court's sentencing decision, as a mental illness at the time of the offense may be a mitigating factor. A forensic assessment may also take the form of a risk assessment, to comment on the relationship between the person's mental illness and the risk of further violent offenses. wiki Alexander Demidov); medico-legal psychiatric assessment (A medico-legal psychiatric assessment is required when a psychiatric report is used as evidence in civil litigation, for example in relation to compensation for work-related stress or after a traumatic event such as an accident. The psychiatric assessment may be requested in order to establish a link between the trauma and the victim's psychological condition, or to determine the extent of psychological harm and the amount of compensation to be awarded to the victim. wiki Alexander Demidov)
law forensic psychiatric expert examination; forensic psychiatric evaluation (Евгений Тамарченко)
 Russian thesaurus
судебно-психиатрическая экспертиза
gen. вид судебной экспертизы, основная задача которой определение психического состояния обвиняемых и подозреваемых если есть сомнение в их вменяемости, свидетелей, потерпевших, истцов и ответчиков для решения вопроса об их дееспособности. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
судебно-психиатрическая экспертиза
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