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субъект рфstresses
comp. the RF region (RealMadrid)
субъект РФ
gen. territorial entity of the RF (tfennell); territorial subject (of the Russian Federation gennier); Russian Federation subject (Wikipedia state.gov Tanya Gesse; this is not English, and I could not find the phrase on the state dept site - maybe they took it off (wisely!). And if it is in Wikepedia, it needs to be edited out! tfennell); RF subdivision (State Department Tanya Gesse); one of the constituent entities which make up the Russian Federation (tfennell); constituent entity (RF Lavrov)
comp. the RF region (However, in the majority of the RF regions situation in construction changes slowly. RealMadrid)
O&G, sakh. constituent entity
polit. constituent territory of the Russian Federation (RealMadrid); constituent territory of the Russian Federation (Incidents of HIV infection have now been recorded in 82 of the constituent territories of the Federation. RealMadrid)
Субъект РФ
fin. Region (snku)
субъект рф
: 4 phrases in 3 subjects
Sakhalin R1