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субстанция nstresses
gen. hypostasis; excipient (Субста́нция (лат. substantia – сущность; то, что лежит в основе) – вещество надлежащей чистоты, из которого в промышленности изготавливают лекарственные средства и лекарственные формы. В этом случае субстанция – это одновременно и синоним действующего вещества, и обозначение для стандартизованных полуфабрикатов для лекарств, изготавливаемых согласно Фармакопее. ВК.: An excipient is generally a pharmacologically inactive substance used as a carrier for the active ingredients of a medication. In many cases, an "active" substance (such as acetylsalicylic acid) may not be easily administered and absorbed by the human body; in such cases the substance in question may be dissolved into or mixed with an excipient. Excipients are also sometimes used to bulk up formulations that contain very potent active ingredients, to allow for convenient and accurate dosage. In addition to their use in the single-dosage quantity, excipients can be used in the manufacturing process to aid in the handling of the active substance concerned. Depending on the route of administration, and form of medication, different excipients may be used. For oral administration tablets and capsules are used. Suppositories are used for rectal administration. WK Alexander Demidov)
biol. essence
chem. product (напр., ...the samples of product (S)-1-(8-Bromo-2,3,6,7-tetrahydrobenzo[1,2-b;4,5-b']- difuran-4-yl)-2-aminopropane Hydrochloride that were used in pharmacological evaluation... – ... взятые для фармакологической оценки образцы субстанции (S)-1-(8-бром-2,3,6,7-тетрагидробензо[1,2-b;4,5-b']-дифуран-4-ил)-2-аминопропана гидрохлорида... Min$draV); compound (напр., ...recrystallization of the product led to pure compound... – ...перекристаллизация продукта реакции позволила получить химически чистую субстанцию... Min$draV)
fig.of.sp. flesh (I felt as if I were wading through soft flesh Aly19)
med. substance (substance; ГОСТ Р ИСО 11615-2014. Любое вещество биологического, минерального или химического происхождения, способное к отдельному существованию и имеющее определенный состав. amatsyuk)
obs. materiality
pharm. API (MichaelBurov); active pharmaceutical ingredient (MichaelBurov); active product pharmaceutical (MichaelBurov); active ingredient (An active ingredient (AI) is the substance in a pharmaceutical drug or a pesticide that is biologically active. The similar terms active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) and bulk active are also used in medicine, and the term active substance may be used for pesticide formulations. Some medications and pesticide products may contain more than one active ingredient. The traditional word for the API is pharmacon or pharmakon (from Greek, adapted from pharmacos) which originally denoted a magical substance or drug. A dosage form : the API, which is the drug itself; and an excipient, which is the substance of the tablet, or the liquid the API is suspended in, or other material that is pharmaceutically inert. Drugs are chosen primarily for their active ingredients. Because homeopathic products no longer have any biologically active ingredients, their list of ingredients refers to the original ingredients used in their preparation and the finished product no longer contains any active ingredients. WK Alexander Demidov); excipient (Субста́нция (лат. substantia – сущность; то, что лежит в основе) – вещество надлежащей чистоты, из которого в промышленности изготавливают лекарственные средства и лекарственные формы. В этом случае субстанция – это одновременно и синоним действующего вещества, и обозначение для стандартизованных полуфабрикатов для лекарств, изготавливаемых согласно Фармакопее. ВК. An excipient is generally a pharmacologically inactive substance used as a carrier for the active ingredients of a medication. In many cases, an "active" substance (such as acetylsalicylic acid) may not be easily administered and absorbed by the human body; in such cases the substance in question may be dissolved into or mixed with an excipient. Excipients are also sometimes used to bulk up formulations that contain very potent active ingredients, to allow for convenient and accurate dosage. In addition to their use in the single-dosage quantity, excipients can be used in the manufacturing process to aid in the handling of the active substance concerned. Depending on the route of administration, and form of medication, different excipients may be used. For oral administration tablets and capsules are used. Suppositories are used for rectal administration. WK Alexander Demidov)
philos. subject matter; substance
psychol. subject; thing
psychother. arche
tib. dngos gzhi; rdzas
субстанция Z n
immunol. substance Z
субстанции n
psychol. inherence
 Russian thesaurus
субстанция n
gen. объективная реальность; материя в единстве всех форм ее движения; нечто относительно устойчивое; то, что существует само по себе, не зависит ни от чего другого. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
: 225 phrases in 47 subjects
Aviation medicine2
Chemical industry2
Drug name3
Figure of speech1
Health care2
Medical appliances4
Molecular biology1
Nuclear and fusion power1
Obsolete / dated1
Oil / petroleum1
Paint, varnish and lacquer1
Pharmacy and pharmacology20
Security systems1
Trade classification1