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стоять на ушахstresses
gen. go cuckoo (Artjaazz)
Игорь Миг bend over backwards (The whole editorial team bent over backwards to get the edition ready for press on time – MBerdy.17); take great pains to; do one's utmost; go bonkers; be in a mad dash to
idiom. bounce off the walls (Baykus)
inf. lose it; stand on head; move heaven and earth; move mountains; to party down; go nuts (безудержно веселиться to go out to bars, clubs, etc.); go on a rampage (дебоширить to become very angry and violent); paint the town (red); turn oneself inside out (Я стояла на ушах, чтобы в квартире было чисто, а он даже не заметил. I turned myself inside out to clean that apartment, and he didn't even notice!; очень стараться to try very hard to do something)
slang two and eight (кокни vipere)
стоять на ушах
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