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столкнуться с трудностьюstresses
gen. be faced with a difficulty; be trapped in a bottleneck; be faced with a difficulty; be trapped in a bottleneck
столкнуться с трудностями
gen. be confronted with difficulties; be up against difficulties; get into difficulties; run against difficulties; face hurdles (La Gata); be confronted by difficulties; encounter difficulties (Anglophile); come to a head (highbery); run into difficulties; encounter a problem (aht); be faced with difficulties; be faced with problems; hit the rocks (To encounter an especially difficult, troubled, or low point, as in a relationship or some pursuit. We'd been great friends for nearly 10 years, but our friendship has hit the rocks lately. Bullfinch); be brought up against difficulties; be confronted by difficulties; be up against difficulties; run into challenges (But all three approaches have run into deep challenges, and the drive to cut off critical parts for the drones is already proving as difficult as the decades-old drive to deprive Iran of the components needed to build the delicate centrifuges it uses to enrich near-bomb-grade uranium. nytimes.com aldrignedigen); come up against difficulties
cliche. face challenges (What challenges have you faced during the pandemic? ART Vancouver)
dipl. meet with difficulties; face difficulties
Makarov. be brought up against difficulties; face the challenge; come against difficulties; hit a pothole; run up against difficulties
столкнувшийся с трудностями
media. embattled (Taras)
столкнувшись с трудностями
gen. in the face of adversity (VLZ_58)
столкнуться с трудностью: 15 phrases in 6 subjects
Oil and gas2