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gen. rise into distinction (Logos66); take wind; get out (о секрете); come into prominence; come to knowledge (кому-либо); come to light; come to notice (кому-либо); get one's name mentioned (bigmaxus); become open (Ольга Матвеева); come to fame (Andrey Truhachev); achieve fame (Andrey Truhachev); win fame (Andrey Truhachev); become public (широкой общественности A.Rezvov); come to someone's notice (кому-либо); make a name for oneself; get about; put over; become known; be out; transpire; boom; leak out; get abroad
Игорь Миг leak out to (кому-либо; .); become a name
amer. get around (Donskova)
context. discover (suburbian)
dipl. leak out (о секрете, новости)
econ. leak
idiom. get wind of (вариант требует замены безличной конструкции на личную: The police got wind of the illegal drug deal. – Полиции стало известно о сделке по продаже наркотиков. • If the press gets wind of this, the campaign will be over. – Если об этом станет известно прессе, на кампании можно будет ставить крест.)
law come to someone's notice (кому-либо Earl de Galantha); become aware (кому-либо стало известно: the applicant became aware of the violation of provisions – заявителю стало известно о нарушении положений twinkie)
Makarov. leak out (о секрете, новости и т. п.); spring into fame; take abroad; distinguish oneself by (благодаря чему-либо)
media. emerge ("New details have emerged of how mysterious drones harassed U.S. warships off California on multiple occasions in 2019. The Navy has yet to determine where the drones came from, who was operating them, or why they buzzed around a group of U.S. destroyers." (Forbes) – Стали известны новые подробности ... ART Vancouver)
polit. surface (bigmaxus)
vulg. hit the fan
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: 38 phrases in 9 subjects
Mass media1
Public relations1
Quotes and aphorisms1