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старомодный adj.stresses
gen. out-of-date; antiquated; antique; fusty; hunker; outmoded; primitive; school; frumpish; fogyish; horse-and-buggy; hung up; ickie; moss-grown; out-of-fashion; ricky-tick; square-toed; prehistoric; dowdy; fogy (часто old fogy); fogey (часто old fogy); fogram; obsolete; prehistorical; preppy (Rust71); frumpy (об одежде Lascutik); unprogressive (golos-tatiana); horse and buggy; moss grown; old fangled; out of fashion; ricky tick; ricky ticky; rinky dink; square toed; dated (Баян); old-fashioned; of easy virtue; one of the old school (человек); archaic (Lana Falcon); backward (k8t); oldy-moldy (yulia_mikh); demode; demoded; stodgy (having very old-fashioned opinions, attitudes, etc.: a stodgy old man VLZ_58); superannuated (george serebryakov); old-school (EatMyShorts); old-style; old fashioned; elderly (о чём-либо kee46); old-timer; of the old school; last-century (Some of the rules, critics say, seem so last-century, if that. /Kathy Boccella, Philly.com, "Collarbone showing? Girls say school dress codes are sexist", 15 June 2017/ Dmitry Onishchenko); matronly (контекстуальный перевод; о женской одежде Ремедиос_П); vintage (old-fashioned; dated collinsdictionary.com); traditional (о нравах (sed to say that someone has qualities which are like the qualities of another well-known person or group of people from the past) Julie C.)
Gruzovik out-moded
Игорь Миг old school
account. style old style; vintage of capital equipment
amer. old-timer (о человеке или вещи)
amer., slang funky
archit. Victorian; unfashionable
brit. out of the arc (Her clothes were straight out of the ark. Также используется вариант "come out of the arc". VLZ_58)
busin. out of date
econ. old style
inf. stuffy; hungup; mumsy (Rust71); rinky-tink (joyand); old hat (old fashioned and boring: : She reckoned jazz was old hat. Andrey Truhachev)
libr. out-dated; outdated
Makarov. ancient; antediluvian; mouldy; rinky-dink
obs., Makarov. antediluvial
slang ticky; corn; dodo; goobey; hors-and-buggy; hung up on; icky; L7; lame; ricky-ticky; rooty-toot; the least; un-together; untogether; cheesy (Franka_LV); square; Arky (со времён Noah's Ark – Ноева ковчега, непонимающий современную жизнь mahavishnu); old hat
textile has-been
старомодно adv.
gen. obsoletely
slang corn; Golden Bantam
: 130 phrases in 14 subjects
British usage, not spelling1
Humorous / Jocular1
Obsolete / dated1